Online Soap Making! Yes it is a thing! It is creative and has no calor - The Soap Coach
Online Soap Making! Yes it is a thing! It is creative and has no calories! The Soap Coach Power Hour!

With the current Coronavirus situation small businesses like mine are really having to think outside the box. Not just because we need to pay the bills, although that is incredibly important of course, but because life does not just stop because we cannot get out and about in the same way.

We all need focus, mental stimulation, something to think about for our well being and mental health. Creativity is good for us. A study in 2018 by Dr Daisy Fancourt found that creativity really helps us in 3 core ways.

Distraction - helps us avoid stress

Contemplation - gives us some perspective in our lives

Self development - builds self esteem and confidence

Which got me thinking, soap making is incredibly creative, there are some true soap making artists out there. It has no calories and it is a super practical product. We will always need soap!

So can it be taught on line - yes absolutely anything can be taught on line.  Apparently you can even learn to do operations online!!!!! I have not tested that one out however! In fact, I learnt how to make soap myself through a video tutorial - a pretty poor one if I am honest but I did it.

With that in mind I have super exciting news coming up which is almost as good as you attending a workshop - without you attending a workshop! 

Video workshops are in the planning and you will be able to watch me explain, demonstrate and work through the entire process exactly as if you were in the room with me. The videos will be accompanied by my eBook which will explain and expand on the videos. Plus you will can to access my facebook group Soap Glorious Soap where you can ask questions as and when you need. Ongoing support for as long as you need it. 

Update 220520  Video workshops are now live here !

For those that need a little extra support or have started making their own soaps but have lots of questions about progressing their newfound skills I am introducing my new The Soap Coach Power Hour - you can book a full hour with me on a Zoom video call to quite literally ask me whatever questions you have. I am on many soap making forums and I know the list of questions is endless. Yes you can google many things but it is so easy to get in to  a real rabbit warren, go round and round in circles and waste hours, day, weeks of time and if you are anything like me time is precious.

In setting up and running my 2 businesses the single most valuable thing I have learnt is that buying time works to drive you forward and I have purchased a number of courses and 'how to's' that have been invaluable. In hindsight I would have loved to have spent time with someone, either face to face or online , and had the opportunity to ask all those questions that had me spending hours online trying to find the answers and so that led me to create that opportunity for you.  The Soap Coach Power Hour was created and you can find out more about it here.

If there are any other things I can help with then please just let me know and I will see what I can do.



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